Become a member


Become a member

Membership is free

and open to all interested in studying and applying microbial viruses for the benefit of mankind.

Be part of the growing network

of researchers working in the field of Viruses of Microorganisms, providing you with easy access to the growing ISVM community.

Benefits are

● Receive the ISVM Newsletter
● Eligible for poster prizes at Viruses of Microbes meetings when a student or postdoc
● Voting rights for the Society elections for Standing Committees
● May serve as members of Standing Committees
● Access to membership portal to be established in 2026

1. Welcome to ISVM Portal

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2. Key Features or Services

from personalized dashboard, to real-time updates and interative community

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the Portal

In 2024, we had more +1400 members of ISVM! We are grateful that you are supporting ISVM in advancing Viruses of Microbes.

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